
Directions to the inn between restaurant
Directions to the inn between restaurant

directions to the inn between restaurant

For current schedule, see Call Golden Gate Transit, (415) 455-2000, to learn how to connect with the West Marin Stagecoach at Marin City or Mill Valley using Golden Gate’s bus & ferry services. This route also gives our inn guests the option of hiking down the mountain to Stinson Beach, then taking the West Marin Stagecoach back up. Its South Route 61 provides direct service from Marin City, Tam Junction and Mill Valley to our door every day of the week with four daily round-trips. The West Marin Stagecoach makes a stop right at our Inn. Staying at the hotel Call us for your meal reservations Pisgah Inn offers fine dining and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, seven days per week from. After five minutes, take the Stinson Beach / Highway 1 exit in Mill Valley. After ten minutes of wilderness, we are at the road’s top, on the left. Directions from Golden Gate Bridge: Proceed north on Highway 101.

directions to the inn between restaurant

Right after Stinson Beach, turn left at the fork up onto Panoramic Hwy. Just an hour from D.C., the Bavarian Inn is just minutes from Historic Harpers Ferry, Antietam Battlefield, and Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races as.

directions to the inn between restaurant

After 2 miles, the hotel is on the right, the last building before total wilderness: 810 Panoramic Hwy., Mill Valley 94941. After l mile, at 4-way intersection, take the high road, Panoramic (sign says Mt. After 2.6 miles, bear right at fork onto Panoramic Highway (sign says Mt. After 2/3rds mile, turn left at the Arco Station (3rd light), staying on Hwy.

Directions to the inn between restaurant